Applying Decades Of Experience To Solve Modern Legal Issues

I Got Hurt At Work But Cannot Afford An Attorney

On Behalf of | May 16, 2016 | Worker's Compensation

This could be the most common statement we get from injured workers who are losing time from work and wages, or for any reason don’t have the financial means to pay an attorney.

We do not charge for case evaluations or initial consultations. We do not charge any money up front. We realize that you may be missing out on wages and have to deal with medical expenses, co-pays, deductibles, etc.

This then leads to the question of how much will the lawyer take once the injured worker gets a settlement or an award from the Workers’ Compensation Court. The answer is that we work on a contingency percentage which is commonly 33⅓%, but even that can be subject to some adjustments given the particular circumstances.

If you decide to handle the claim on your own, you are risking leaving a lot of money on the table, or just as importantly are not receiving appropriate medical care. Our mission is to make sure your employer or your employer’s insurance company doesn’t take advantage of you, and work to see that you get full compensation for your claim.

If you have been hurt at work, feel free to give Walt Thomas at Telpner Peterson Law Firm, LLC a call at 712-309-3738. From there we can begin the process of evaluating your claim. You may not even need an attorney in our opinion, but it doesn’t cost anything to find out, and very likely you will receive some helpful advice regarding things to watch out for.
